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I was diagnosed with limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) at 20, when it became apparent my left…
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We meet twice a year: once to review and rate the lay summaries of the research proposals to see if…
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Why do you volunteer? It’s good to be able to help others who are going through similar situations…
Your story
Q. What is this skydive on 28 September all about? A. Eight friends, led by my 18 year old…
Your story
My little brother, Marcus, was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy in July 2016. I took…
Press release
Muscular Dystrophy UK is calling on the government and employers to take action to remove the…
Press release
The UK’s capital is the worst-performing region when it comes to providing fully-accessible toilets…
Press release
Lauren West, Trailblazers Manager at Muscular Dystrophy UK, said:“Plastic straws are sometimes the…
Press release
Rob Burley, Director of Campaigns, Care and Support at Muscular Dystrophy UK, said:“When public…
Press release
Catherine Woodhead, Chief Executive of Muscular Dystrophy UK, which co-chairs the Changing Places…