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I found it hard to keep up in PE as a child but never knew why. I often skipped class and hid in…
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Over the past seven years as my limb girdle muscular dystrophy has progressed, I’ve become…
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Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey about accessible clothing that I carried out last…
Thanks to my wheelchair accessible vehicle, I can travel far and wide, and since realising how good…
Several of my family members have Charcot-Marie Tooth (CMT) and have had to alter their life goals…
Ben: I have Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy, and I’m 35 years old. I studied video editing at…
From birth, we noticed that the joints of Miley’s hands and feet were extremely ‘floppy’ and at…
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My nephew Oli was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy before his first birthday and has always been…
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When I fell pregnant with my first son, Frankie, it felt like a miracle. I’d had five miscarriages…
Living with Duchenne muscular dystrophy has its ups and downs, but for me has definitely had more…