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Living with CMT has limited areas of my life. Some of the everyday things that people without my…
On Sunday 15 October Angela, with her husband Brian, will officially start Bidwells Cambridge Town…
Running for Andrew  Graham recently decided to get back into running after a long break and last…
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A swan is gracious and tough above water, but underneath she paddles 100 miles an hour – unseen. I…
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When I was diagnosed, my medical team said that I would need to use a powerchair and that my…
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I knew I was gay since I was around fourteen, but I spent nearly twenty years hiding in plain sight…
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We call having FSHD our superpower, and the positive thing about having the condition is certainly…
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For much of my late teens and early twenties, the boys would make comments like “Are you scared of…
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Finding something positive you can do is so important, especially when you’re living with a…
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Anne shared her emotional story with thousands of people when she officially started this year’s…