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Jack wanted to spend his energy living his life. He had the mentality he could do anything,…
Ann’s stepdaughter, Sarah, was told she lived with probable limb girdle muscular dystrophy at the…
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When we first got his diagnosis, we kept thinking: “when will he need a wheelchair, what kind of…
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I have always enjoyed challenging people’s expectations of someone with a disability and I have…
Accompanied by a group of friends and family, Tim used a specialty child carrier backpack to help…
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Chris Maxwell, 49-years-old, will be competing in not one but two gruelling endurance events this…
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After being diagnosed with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 2a in my mid-20s, life changed for me…
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I used to get the highest rate of support. But when it changed over to Personal Independence…
Brigid Night clocked up 333 miles with her friend Chris Hansen Jones on non-stop 24-hour tandem…