Going bright for the fight campaign has given a man with muscular dystrophy a seriously-needed pick-up

Jordan Mossom
Photographer Jordan Mossom, who has Duchenne muscular dystrophy, said going bright for the fight in February has been a life-saver, which helped lift the depression and lack of motivation he has been experiencing since lockdown began.

He took part in #TeamOrange’s February campaign to make muscles matter by joining people all over the UK wearing their brightest clothes to fundraise to help find treatments and cures for muscle-wasting conditions.

The campaign motivated him to get into a routine of getting up every day of the week and taking his camera out of its bag to take a portrait of himself wearing his brightest clothes.



He said:

My mental health has been more affected by lockdown and the prolonged shielding than I thought it would. I’ve been feeling very low most days, and it’s meant I haven’t had any motivation or inspiration to do the things I love.

I hope my month of Go bright for the fight portraits will inspire me to get back into photography and embark on new projects.

I definitely have to thank Bertie for his video about Go bright on the MDUK social media pages – it was because of him that I found the inspiration to do something different and get out of bed every day and embark on this new series of images.


Before lockdown, Jordan had seen his career take off after graduating from the University of Cumbria in 2020. He used his final exhibition, a series of striking images, to build awareness and help others living with muscular dystrophy. 

I used to hide in the shadows, and didn’t want people to know or notice that I live with Duchenne. But after the biographical project about myself and now the Go bright series of portraits, I am definitely not in the shadows anymore.

Everyone should be free to embrace their lives, be bright, bold and not hide in the shadows because they have a disability.

I hope that my series of Go bright images helps in the fight to find better treatments, but also help others living with a rare disease to be as bright as possible.

I’ll have to get some new bright clothes now I’ve worn all of mine!

Jordan sadly passed away in April 2022 and our thoughts remain with his family and friends. He always played his part in going bright for the fight and raising awareness for Duchenne muscular dystrophy whenever he could. He will be deeply missed by all of us at MDUK.